

선체보험 Hull & Machinery Insurance

대표적인 선박 보험으로 해상운송 중 발생한 선박의 물적 손실, 비용손해와 더불어 선박과의 충돌 시 발생하는 법률적 배상책임손해를 담보하며 선체 및 모든 선박자재, 의장선구, 기관, 항해용구, 기타 비품 등을 담보 대상으로 합니다.

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선주책임상호보험 Protection & Indemnity

P&I 보험은 선박의 운항 중 발생하는 선주의 제반 배상책임 가운데 일반 선박보험에서 보상되지 않는 충돌, 유류 오염사고, 화물, 선원, 제 3자의 재산손해, 전염병의 검역, 공동해손 등에 대한 등에 배상책임 손해에 대하여 담보를 보장합니다.

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용선자책임보험 Charterer’s Liability Insurance

용선 선박의 운항 중 발생할 가능성이 있는 선체, 화물, 연료유, 하역사에 의한 손상, 공동해손, 전쟁위험 등의 위험과 관련하여 용선주로서 배상해야 하는 법적 책임이 발생 시 담보를 제공받는 보험입니다.

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Hull & Machinery Insurance

Hull & Machinery Insurance is a type of marine insurance that covers physical damage and loss to a vessel, as well as liability for legal compensation in the event of a collision with another ship during maritime transport. It covers the hull, all ship materials, equipment, machinery, navigational tools, and other supplies.

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Protection & Indemnity (P&I) Insurance

P&I insurance covers the shipowner's liabilities arising during the vessel's operation that are not covered by general marine insurance. It includes liabilities for collisions, oil pollution accidents, cargo damage, injuries to crew members, third-party property damage, quarantine related to contagious diseases, and general average contributions.

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Charterer’s Liability Insurance

Charterer’s Liability Insurance provides coverage for the legal responsibilities a charterer may face in the event of damage to the hull, cargo, fuel, stevedores, general average, war risks, and other potential hazards during the operation of a chartered vessel. This insurance protects the charterer against liabilities arising from such risks.

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